Sangens SPA Integration System X5 buy in Russia
Unconditional 1-year warranty

Sangens Spa System X5 steam bath and sauna integration system

$8 250.00
Characteristics Opportunities
  • up to 100

    Recommended steam room volume for this model of Sangens heaters

    steam room volume
  • 45 kW

    Rated power

  • up to 5 years

    Five-year unconditional warranty and care for every customer

  • 1.5 h

    Average time of heating the steam room up to 70℃

    steam room heating
  • 2 h

    Average time of heating the closed heater up to 530℃

    stone heating
  • 220/380 V

    Rated power

All characteristics
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Sangens Spa System — a new era of no-limit steam rooms. Choose from three temperatures and humidity modes for your steam room: Russian hard bath, Russian soft bath, Finnish sauna.

New opportunities for installation organizations, specialists and owners of commercial facilities: location outside a steam room, cost efficiency, modular structure for any volume and interior of a commercial and public steam room.

  • 3

    Three steam room modes: Russian hard steam bath, Russian soft steam bath, Finnish sauna

    steam room modes
  • x2

    Power saving compared to available analogs

    power saving
  • 60 - 110 °С

    Great for all types of guests: men, women, and children

    adjustable t°C in the steam room
  • up to 530 °С

    The user enjoys light, soft vapor, which benefits the skin and relaxes the body

    t°C in the closed heater
  • Long uninterrupted operation

    long operation
  • up to 60 min

    Quick heating of the steam room to the desired temperature with an accuracy of 1°C

    steam room heating time
  • Manage everything in the Sangens App and OwenCloud software

    remote control
  • Manage all devices in the Sangens App or OwenCloud

    single-point control over all steam rooms
All opportunities
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The Sangens Spa System for steam rooms with innovative opportunities: steam rooms of any size and design; cost efficiency at all stages; complete automation of all steam rooms; 24/7 on-the-go maintenance; deployment outside the steam room; quick steam room microclimate change.

The heater and air heating units are versatile and operate independently on a redundant circuit. If one of the units fails, the heater continues to operate. User-friendly servicing including replacement of versatile heater units by our dedicated electrician. If one of the units fails, the heater continues to operate.

Control Unit
Control the heater using the Sangens Block
Mobile application
Remote control everything in the Sangens App
Get consultation on how to select a Sangens heater
Fill in the form below so that our specialist can select the equipment that suits you best and answer all your questions.

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