Control Units
Sangens Block W6-9 Steam Bath and Sauna Control Unit
Wi-Fi and BT
connection from 6 to 9 kW
rating 220/380 V
voltage 1 year
warrantyControl Units
Sangens Block W15-18 Steam Bath and Sauna Control Unit
$1 260.00
Wi-Fi and BT
connection from 15 to 18 kW
rating 380 V
voltage 1 year
warrantyControl Units
Sangens Panel System 3S Pro for steam baths and saunas
$5 364.00
Wi-Fi and BT
connection 27 kW
rating 380 V
voltage 1 year
warrantyControl Units
Sangens Panel System 3M Pro for steam baths and saunas
$7 617.00
Wi-Fi and BT
connection 27 kW
rating 380 V
voltage 1 year
warrantyControl Units
Sangens Panel System 4M Pro for steam baths and saunas
$8 350.00
Wi-Fi and BT
connection 36 kW
rating 380 V
voltage 1 year
warrantyUp ↑