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About Learn more about our global mission and key values

  • 19 countries
  • 176 partners
  • 2,740 facilities

Service support and customer care. Explore


Creating innovation-driven and esthetic products, we help people take care of themselves and develop the wellness industry.

Sangens introduces cutting-edge technologies to let every customer enjoy SPA procedures and end-to-end support.

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Our Values

Supporting transparent and open relations with the customer, at every stage.

Solving the customer’s problems and being there for them at all times.

Unique experience
Going beyond all expectations and delivering vibrant, positive user experience.

Cutting-edge technology
Implementing reliable and high-quality solutions that save the customer’s time and resources.

Taking care of the customer’s physical and mental well-being.

Detail is key
Achieving excellence in everything.

Disrupting the industry across the globe

We are constantly perfecting our cutting-edge products and introduce innovation-driven solutions into household and commercial facilities all over the world.

  1. 10 facilities North America
  2. 60 facilities Europe
  3. 2,480 facilities Russia
  4. 90 facilities Asia
  • 47 patented
  • 2 cutting-edge
    Grade A office suits
  • 19 countries
    of presence
  • 176 partners
  • 2,740 household
    and commercial facilities
  • 127 company

Significant facilities

Sangens develops the wellness industry jointly with reliable partners and disrupts the future with its cutting-edge products.

Why people choose us

No matter what product we design, our top priority is the user’s safety
and comfort. Sangens innovative solutions help create
the ideal conditions for proper steaming and establish a heartwarming atmosphere.

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Unconditional warranty Household and commercial use up to 5 years

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Innovation and uniqueness We create one-of-a-kind innovative products
that have proven themselves

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Care service Online support

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Service points Offline support

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Sangens’ top value is people who share our philosophy. As the company is growing in high gear, new members are always welcome to our team.

If you want to have your hand in creating state-of-the-art, premium-grade products and contribute to the wellness industry, feel free to provide your contact info below.

We will be happy to talk to you and discuss our cooperation.

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Any more questions?

If you have any questions, fill out the form or use the contact info to get in touch.
